The only one man I truly loved has passed on. Yet another death has occurred. Jim and I had real true love. I just couldn’t handle being a step-mom to five kids. I even wrote a letter to Dear Abby asking for her advice and she did say that although we both loved each other, I did have to make the decision if I could marry him or not. So the answer I did give was a “no” as I handed back the key. This not only broke his heart but mine as well. Over the course of the breakup we did stay in touch. Unfortunately, he experienced severe health issues and ultimately the grim reaper took him away before I could say my final goodbye to him. The past few months have not been easy for me losing two people that I really cared about. I know it’s life and my time will come too. I was loved. I had someone to love me through thick and thin. I had someone I could always call day or night. I had the connection that two people make with each other. We complimented each other but it wasn’t meant-to-be forever. Thank you Jim for loving me even until the end. Thanks for being there I know you are now with your mom and dad. I wish you peace Jim for your suffering has come to a quick end.
Have you ever lost the love of your life? Do you have any regrets not saying what you wanted to them? Were you ever too late to say goodbye?